Episode 02: Exploring Portable Recording

Episode 02: Exploring Portable Recording

Episode description

While Tim was editing episode 1, Rick mentioned something about portable recording that peaked his interest. This inspires an entire episode on what it takes to sit in your Lazy Boy (not sponsored) and record some great licks. There’s a lot of unnecessary name dropping involved but that’s what you need if you want to relax and record outside of your home studio.

WHAT IS AN AMP SIMULATOR? An amp simulator simply emulates the sound of a guitar amplifier with digital technology using a Windows : VST2 or Mac : VST2, AU. They usually come as plugins. Sims will vary between manufacturer, but each one is designed try to give you an authentic guitar tone without the need for a ‘real’ amp.

Search for yourself: AMPLITUBE 5 CS GUITAR RIG 6 PLAYER ToneLib Overloud


No transcript available for this episode.